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Application of industrial vehicle all-in-one in agricultural vehicles

System Overview:
The adoption of agricultural vehicles signifies the transition from traditional to modern agriculture. This shift from extensive to intensive farming not only frees up manpower, enabling one person to accomplish the work of several or even dozens, but also enhances work quality through scientific quantification of planting, fertilizing, and harvesting processes. It reduces costs and significantly boosts agricultural productivity. The application of Stark's in-vehicle all-in-one systems in agricultural vehicles allows for intelligent system management, leveraging measurement, remote sensing, and monitoring technologies to collect and analyze data, thereby effectively maximizing the benefits of agricultural vehicles in agricultural production.

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Equipment Requirements:
While traditional agricultural vehicles served as auxiliary tools assisting manual labor, modern agricultural vehicles equipped with intelligent and data-driven devices better cater to the diversified development of modern agriculture. Each step of agricultural production poses new demands on applied technologies and equipment.

  1. Durability for high-temperature, dusty, and rugged agricultural environments.

  2. Integration with smart management platforms for automatic recording of harvest, planting, and other production data.

  3. Utilization of remote sensing and GPS technology for effective monitoring of production areas, enabling precision farming.

  4. Display of engine data for effective control over agricultural vehicle operations.

  5. Pre-installed multiple interfaces with networking capabilities for connecting additional devices.

Addressing the needs of modern agricultural machinery, we offer a 3mm slim front panel seamlessly integrated into the vehicle body, powered by a low-power multi-core processor. Our proprietary motherboard boasts higher integration and stability, with longer intervals between failures and lower costs. The system includes a specialized ball-head mounting bracket with GB2423 anti-vibration standards, enclosed in a fully sealed metal casing that meets requirements for impact resistance, vibration resistance, dustproofing, waterproofing, and operation under bright light. It supports wide temperature and voltage ranges, networking, and cloud storage, allowing for the connection of surveillance cameras, CAN bus interfaces, and fulfilling various high-demand tasks such as farmland information collection, remote sensing monitoring, and location tracking.

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Stark In-Vehicle All-in-One Performance:

  1. Windows/J1900/2G+8G configuration.

  2. Specialized vehicle ball-head mounting bracket with GB2423 anti-vibration standard.

  3. Low-power multi-core processor for enhanced integration and stability.

  4. Compatibility with transportation environments, supporting long-term stable operation across wide temperature and voltage ranges.

  5. Support for external network surveillance cameras for real-time monitoring data.

  6. Installable vehicle monitoring software for data acquisition.

  7. 4G networking capabilities and cloud storage for secure bank-level data expansion.

  8. Compatible with CAN bus interfaces for seamless vehicle integration.

The integration of in-vehicle all-in-one systems into agricultural vehicles marks a step towards the intelligentization of agricultural machinery. With systematic operation and visibility into various functional data, these systems can be more efficiently employed in agricultural production.

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